Clc genomics workbench illumina
Clc genomics workbench illumina

clc genomics workbench illumina

With its intuitive graphical interface, this application provides a simple desktop solution to biologists who might otherwise require the assistance of a dedicated bioinformatics professional.'Īs an Illumina Connect partner, CLC Bio has access to information in the ongoing development of Next Generation Sequencing tools, ensuring that CLC Bio's solutions will be able to fully support Illumina's tools, including new releases. 'CLC Genomics Workbench 2.0 provides scientists using Illumina’s Genome Analyzer with advanced downstream analysis,' says Jordan Stockton, marketing manager for computational biology at Illumina. 'Not only is it fast, but the new version of CLC Genomics Workbench offers alignment and assembly functionality that previously required larger investments in computer hardware.


Illumina Connect is a bioinformatics software partnership program established by Illumina to advance data integration and analysis.

clc genomics workbench illumina

The file formats accepted are: Fastq Scarf Qseq Paired data in any of these formats can be imported. Choosing the Illumina import will open the dialog shown in figure 6.6. Make sure genomic DNA samples are of high quality with an. Illumina The CLC Genomics Workbench supports data from Illumina's Genome Analyzer, HiSeq 2000 and the MiSeq systems. CLC Bio has released version 2.0 of CLC Genomics Workbench 2.0, and has also become an Illumina Connect partner. SureSelectXT Target Enrichment System for Illumina Multiplexed Sequencing. 1 - 2 pm - Workshop 1: De novo assembly (Illumina and PacBio) 2 - 3 pm - Workshop 2: Genome Finishing analysis (Plugin) 3 - 4 pm - Workshop 3: Microbial Genomics analysis (Plugin) 4 - 5 pm - Workshop 4: Advanced RNAseq analysis.

Clc genomics workbench illumina